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  • Danses à Kerhervy 2023
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    Production dance and objects for all

    Aesthetic body, body-object, empty body, body emotion ... To invent another self, to mould it, to dare the unknown, the strange, to shape its dance, its universe, its poetic, it’s questioning the meaning of the concept of beauty, its norm, and what it’s say about us.

     This duo was creating in close collaboration with the visual artist scenographer Viviane RABAUD. From object already existing (Knitting, ballwool, pouic-pouic, pampu...) or in progress, B.COM stages the woman’s image, idealized, formatted, diverted, beautiful, ugly at the same time, a kind of Barbie Trash, claiming for her reality, her normality.


    B comme Beauté, Barbie, Bonheur, Bien, Banalisation, Brèche, B comme B.COM.

    (B like Beauty, Barbie, Happiness, Good, Banalizing, Breach, B like B.COM).

    My work is based on opening doors; middle paths, timeless universes, positives ones.

    Going from the sluggish to the organic, based on poetic and utopist game making co-exist and meet opposite forces, I create sculptures. Printed of “collective memory”, it questions our relationship to time, of what are the “beauty” and our approach of the reality when this one is confronted and rebuilt with primary materials and way.

    Discover (again)

    Viviane Rabaud



    Choreography: Karine LE BRIS

    Performance: Roxane DEFEVERE and Karine LE BRIS

    Artistic creativity: Viviane RABAUD

    Choreography assistant: Fadil KASRI

    Light Design: Jérôme LE DIMET


    Duration: 22 minutes


    Cultural service of the City of Port-Louis

    (Brittany, France)

    Espace Jean Vilar of Lanester (Brittany, France)

    L'Estran of Guidel (Brittany, France)