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    Other small forms.....

    "The little dancing boxes "  Performance          


    Ordering from the "Grand Théatre de Lorient" : Danse côté Jardin 2011



    “The moment in essence, the one which beat its base out of time, the DANCE”

    Carolyn Carlson


    From a list of words randomly taken by the audience, “Les p’tites boîtes à danser” is made of the association and combination of different elements predetermining a dance: the spectators picks a word, the dancers improvise, creating on the spot an ephemeral and random dance. Then the words became movements, such as short choreographic score which is re-enacting itself constantly.


    A possible process pathway of a choreographic writing (from among others...),

    « Les p’tites boîtes à danser » , it’s also a moment for sharing and interacting with the public, a playful and poetic performance in the form of solos, duos or trios.



    Concept: Fadil Kasri – Karine Le Bris

    Performers / Dancers: Roxane DEFEVERE – Emilie DUBOIS – Fadil KASRI – Karine LE BRIS 


    This production has been created during the « Danse côté Jardin » festival in april 2011 at the Grand Théâtre de Lorient – stage with agreement in dance. 

    The Eskemm Company received the support of the ministry of culture and communication – DRAC Bretagne, the Regional Council of Brittany, the General Council of Brittany and the City of Lorient.


    Duration: 25 minutes






    Ordering from the City of Lorient: Inauguration of the fountain


    The Eskemm Company has been called in order to presents a short production during the inauguration of the fountain, the 30th of September 2006 in front of the square of the “Grand Théâtre de Lorient”.

    Jeux d’O
    has been created especially for this event, and has been performed by four dancers, playing, ambulating around the fountain and through the water jets, small form, light and life-giving.

    This production has been re-enacted the 21th of April 2007 during the “Danse Côté Jardin” festival, organized by the “Grand Théâtre de Lorient".


    Choreography: Fadil KASRI - Karine LE BRIS

    Performers: Karim BOUHEUDJEUR – Roxane DEFEVERE – Fadil KASRI – Karine LE BRIS

    Duration : 10 minutes

    article ouest france


    Ordering from the Department of Culture and Heritage of the City of Lorient (summer 2007).


    The Department of Culture and Heritage of the City of Lorient asked the Eskemm Company to produce and to propose an original and artistic guided tour in order to reveal the legacy of the city in a shifted way, to make discover or rediscover the architecture of the reconstruction of the city.


    Then, dance and historical heritage had blended together during three evenings in order to reveal a common territory (25th of July, 1st and 15th of August 2007). Over the course of their path, an accordionist played with the dancers. The trio went to a school, a church, a public square: game of playful characters, unexpected spaces taken, gone back in time on airs of accordion music, the dancers went with the public through the whole tour.


    Choreography and performance: Fadil KASRI - Karine LE BRIS

    Accordionist: Nicolas EVEN

    Duration: 1h30


      article déambulations